Saturday 19 October 2013

What is Social Engineering ?

Readers today I write on Social Engineering ? what is social engineering You know just look at the terms and you might get a idea a person who is good socially to manipulate people. It is a kind of non technical attack which involves human interaction just to bypass some security measures. The only goal of a hacker is to get unauthorized access to what he wants and that is what is called Social Engineering . They take your human nature and turn it against you. Heard of KEVIN METNICK ?? He was a great social engineer ! Now let us look at various ways a hacker could make a fool of you or in other language a this is what we call a SE attack or social engineering attack . ---------------------------------------------------- Emails- Well this is the easiest of the methods to exploit or get in the access imagine what if you get a mail from your boss to sign in will you not reply ?? What if your class teacher says you to sign in on a quizzing website ?? Well these are a very genuine and responsive way of sending Fake emails . Any one could send an attachment which automatically gets downloaded in your computer, Or what about a fake email from a bank asking you to enter your login details in order to make your account more secure . Well there are numerous examples of it all you need is a mind to understand it . Hacking you mind ---------------------------------------------------- SMS- Well you might have never read abut it before but having SMS in this list certainly has a certain objective . Sending a Fake SMS is easy now just imagine what all you can do with it . Just text the potential victim to check his email from different fake email service providers to check his email for a phishing link sent by the Hacker. SMS can play a vital role in breaking down information that the hacker needs so next time you get a SMS do check on it . ---------------------------------------------------- Social Networks- Now the direct way of social engineering to communicate with the victim . You can be attacked on the most popular website Facebook . Now a days Fake ids on facebook look quite genuine. You add a user you socialize with him/her. You cant even know that you were tricked unless you were hacked. So do read How to identify Facebook fake ids ? ---------------------------------------------------- Phone Calls- Another famous way used by most of the hackers. It doesn't need any description but it is the most important to be taken care of .It is the method that looks most genuine . Hackers polite approach sometimes works as a charm ---------------------------------------------------- What about casual guessing ? . This should have been my first point when I am describing and elaborating about Social Engineering . Well this involves general tendency to brute force or just a casual guess . Now its goes as He has a girlfriend named jennifer . SO his password may be jennifer@143 or ilovejennifer. So you get in the name Jennifer and you set in the software's specially designed for this and its done so never set passwords like this . ---------------------------------------------------- Well here we come to the end of our post. we might have missed out some important points. Do let us know we will update as soon as possible. More help and discussion coming your way. Do let us know about the post via your comments. We value your comments .

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